Precinct Chairs are the Key to Success

What is a Precinct Committeeperson?

Precincts are the country’s smallest political units and traditionally correspond to the location of polling places. (Note: Hancock County uses voting centers rather than precinct-specific polling places.) A precinct committeeperson is an essential party leader within their precinct, who educate and mobilizes their neighbors.

How do I become a Precinct Committee Chair?

One becomes a Democratic Precinct Committee Chair (PC) via:

Filing on Ballot

  • Elections of Precinct Chairpersons shall be elected by ballot at the Primary Election held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in May of 2018 and every four years thereafter.

  • Filing of Form CAN-37 is required by deadline dictated by current election calendar.


  • It is not uncommon that a PC starts out as an appointed PC because Democratic PC elections are held every four years in the non-presidential or “mid-term”, federal election.

  • Becoming an appointed PC begins with a Democrat in good standing expressing an interest to their County Chair.

  • Appointed PC’s need not reside in their appointed precinct, but you must live in the county where you want to serve in this capacity. It is best to reside in or around your appointed precinct, although being a PC only requires the commitment to help achieve Democratic victories.

Term of Office

All elected PC terms run from the Primary Election of the midterm election (even numbered years) to the Primary Election four years later. Thus, even if you became an appointed PC in early 2020, to remain a PC you must become either an elected PC in the Democratic Primary in 2022 or be appointed again by your County Chair.

Once in the office, a PC appoints a Vice Committeeperson who must be of a different gender identity.

Qualifications for Committee Chair

A. A Party member may only be a candidate for precinct committeeperson if:
(A) is a Party member, as set forth in State Party Rule 8(c)

(B) is a qualified voter; and

(C) resides in the precinct in which he or she is a candidate (Appointments excluded)

  1. Even if you meet all the qualifications above, keep in mind that you need the heart and the desire to roll up your sleeves to help achieve Democratic victories.