Get Involved

While we will add things to our calendar throughout the year, these events are always around to allow for different ways to interact and connect with like-minded people.

Regular Business Meetings

These are not your Father’s business meetings - we’re fun and everyone is welcome! Come find out about what’s going on and how to get more involved!

*2025: January, February & March have a schedule change to the FIRST Monday of the month. April brings us back to the traditional SECOND Mondays.

Please check social media or our newsletter for current updates.

Hancock County 4-H Fair

Each year our volunteers man a booth at the county fair where we interact with community members, register voters and recruit new members.

Hancock County Annual Democratic Dinner

Our largest fundraising event, this annual dinner includes a Keynote speaker & candidates, as well as fun raffles & a silent auction.

Tickets go on sale in June.

Always via Zoom, these interactive and informative sessions give an opportunity to understand more about Hancock County elections, community information and overall topics of current interest.

These take place at 7:00 on various Wednesdays, usually bi-monthly.

Find updates here, newsletters or on social media.

We have some amazing talent among us!

If you are in a local band, act or other artistic genre, please let us know so we can come support!

Dates for these are added to our calendar and announced on social media.

Drinking Liberally

If you’re looking for a social event where you can talk politics and make friends, consider joining this group!

Just look for the blue party hat on the table.

Donuts with Democrats

These social and informational events are held on occasional Saturdays through out the year 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. as an open-house-style event. Feel free to stop by during any part of the morning.

Each one is typically held between the Greenfield and Sugar Creek Library (New Palestine) Libraries. Be sure to follow us on social media or sign up for newsletters for the latest information.

This family-friendly event is a great way to informally meet some of our members, candidates and like-minded neighbors!

Riley Festival

Said to be the largest four-day festival, the Riley Festival attracts visitors from across the region and is a favorite tradition of many locals. Highlights include a parade and craft and food vendors. We use this time to hold a bake sale fundraiser and interact with voters.

Treats and Trivia Night

In place of our regular monthly meeting each December, we hold a social hour and goodie exchange, along with a fun game of trivia. This is a great event to attend if you’re just starting to get involved and are interested in meeting fellow Democrats — and if you have a sweet tooth - Bonus points if you are a trivia fan!

Annual Golf Outing

New for 2025, we are introducing our BREAKFAST CLUB.

Come join like-minded people and enjoy breakfast.

Personal cost associated with this event.