Hancock County Democratic Central Committee Officers
CHAIR: Linda Genrich (she/her)
Serving as Chairperson since 2021, Linda has been a part of our county party for over 8 years. As their previous Treasurer, she has a wide array of experience about how the party operates and what it takes to succeed.
Since her early 20’s, she has always been active in community efforts; everything from food pantry volunteering, poll working and campaign help to leadership positions on numerous boards. Always maintaining a variety of volunteering, all things lead back to community-focused ideals that shine a light on inclusion and advancement opportunities for everyone. For more than 10 years, Linda has been a proud Girl Scout Leader and currently serves on the Hancock County Service Unit.
Linda lives in McCordsville with her husband & teen-age daughter. Together they own a small business in the construction industry.
“Like so many who are active and those just coming into this county party, I share the ideals and urgency of what situation our country, state and county are in. I promise to work hard for every single voter to make sure they know we are here, have quality candidates to vote for and understand the importance of making your voice heard through the voting process. To do that, we must widen our circle of inclusion, understanding, and fact-finding. If we do not, our society cannot thrive. It truly is a life-or-death situation we are in, and we must do all we can to make sure as many of us survive it as possible.”
VICE CHAIR: Chuck Gill (he/him)
BIO coming soon!
SECRETARY: Nikki Carr (she/her)
Nikki Carr, a lifelong Democrat, moved to Fortville in 2014 with her husband, Rick Klemczewski. Prior to her time with the Hancock County Democrats, she had attended various rallies and donated to Democratic causes. She was moved by all the energy from the people involved in their efforts to make Indiana a more welcoming and inclusive place while maintaining our freedoms. When Roe V Wade was overturned, she made the decision to get involved to see if there was a place for her talents.
Since attending her first meeting in July 2022, her fresh ideas have helped our county party in many ways.
In addition to Secretary, Nikki currently serves as Social Media Director and Precinct Chair. In August 2023, she was chosen to be a part of the 2023-2024 class of the Emerging Leaders Program. This opportunity allows her to further education on campaign management, public policy, and party building.
“I am not an advocate for frequent changes in laws and Constitutions. But laws and institutions must go hand in hand with the progress of the human mind. As that becomes more developed, more enlightened, as new discoveries are made, new truths discovered and manners and opinions change, with the change of circumstances, institutions must advance also to keep pace with the times. We might as well require a man to wear still the coat which fitted him when a boy as civilized society to remain ever under the regimen of their barbarous ancestors.”
-Thomas Jefferson